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Getting Started with the Basics

Photography is a unique artistic outlet. It is a bit of an oxymoron, everyone has a camera and can take pictures, but they are all unique. They are a piece of the person creating the image. They are your history, your perspective, your knowledge, your intentions. This course will let you explore how to put from within and create. Creating an image is different from TAKING a photograph or snapshot.  The more of yourself you put into your image, the more unique and reflective it becomes. I don’t mean a literal mirrored reflection, but a glimpse of the way you see the world, what you contribute to it, the change you’d like to see in it, your likes and dislikes, your passions, your dreams (even the wacky ones) and your hopes.

So before you can do that, you have to know yourself and discover these things about yourself. So let’s get started.

Tools for basic practice

All of our creative tools are just an extension of ourselves. Recognizing ourselves in our images and developing our vision with camera in hand.

These are the tools that will become a part of your daily habit. Begin recognizing what you have to say and how you could say it with your photographs. Get used to putting your ideas into words and images. Open yourself up to being a part of your images.


I will help you to derive more joy from your passion and allow you to make the most of whatever time you dedicate to your photography

~david ulrich

​The course will follow along with these topics. They will build on each other so if you miss a week don't skip. This is designed for you to explore and develop at your own rate.


  • WEEK 1 - Mindset, Preparation, Core Settings

  • WEEK 2 - Visual Draws, light/shadow, line/shape, color & gesture

  • ​WEEK 3 - VIsual Workflow, Making vs Taking, Inclusion & Exclusion

  • WEEK 4 - COmposition, Emotion & KIS

  • WEEK 5 - Practice Practice and Evaluating photographs

  • WEEK 6 - CUlling, Collecting & Comparing

  • WEEK 7 - Post Processing with Vision & Editing

  • BONUS - A special surprise to be revealed later!!!

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